Garlic contains sulfur substances and antioxidants that reduce the excess of lipids that tend to accumulate in the arteries.
This food helps dilate blood vessels, promoting adequate blood flow and proper blood circulation of tissues and cells.
3 cloves of garlic
A cup of milk (about 250 ml)
Cut the garlic into thin slices and boil them with the milk.
Allow to cool and drink before going to sleep.
The combination of turmeric, honey and milk offers us a real elixir to drink, known in alternative medicine as golden milk, a drink with great beneficial properties thanks to the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant power of its ingredients.
Its constant and regular consumption prevents the formation of clots and activates the circulation, favoring a correct expulsion of lipids and toxins.
Furthermore, its organic extracts reduce bad cholesterol levels and prevent atherosclerosis or atherosis (also known as hardening of the arteries).
1 teaspoon of turmeric powder (about 5 g)
A tablespoon of honey (about 25 g)
A cup of warm milk (about 200 ml)
Add turmeric to warm milk and sweeten with honey.
Drink once or twice a day, at least three times a week.
The hot cayenne pepper contains an active substance called capsaicin, capable of avoiding the oxidation of bad cholesterol in the blood vessels and the consequent occlusion of the arteries.
Its high content of antioxidants counteracts the negative effect of free radicals, improving blood circulation and preventing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
1/2 tsp of hot cayenne pepper (2 g)
A cup of hot water (about 250 ml)
Bring the water to a boil and add the chili.
Leave to rest for a couple of minutes
Drink twice a day.
Follow the purifying treatment for two weeks.
Ginger root is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory that improves blood circulation and helps maintain blood vessels, avoiding the oxidation of cholesterol.
Its active constituent, ginger, reduces the risk of arterial occlusion and curbs the oxidative damage that can cause cardiovascular problems.
1 tsp of fresh grated ginger (about 5 g)
A cup of hot water (about 250 ml)
Add the ginger to the hot water and let it rest for a few minutes.
Filter the infusion and drink three times a day.
Repeat this operation every day for at least three weeks.
Flax seeds represent one of the best natural remedies for cardiovascular disorders and inflammation, thanks to their high content of linoleic acid.
These essential fatty acids clean the arteries clogged with fats, preventing them from hardening caused by oxidative damage.
Two teaspoons of flax seeds (20 g)
A cup of water (about 250 ml)
Pour the flax seeds into the water and leave to soak overnight.
The following day, filter the liquid, which has thickened in the meantime, and drink it on an empty stomach.
Follow the treatment every day for at least a month.
If you want to keep your arteries clean and healthy naturally, try one of these remedies: they will be the ideal complement to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
4 whole larger heads of garlic (40 women)
4 complete lemons with peel
a small ginger root (3-4 cm) or two tablespoons of powder
2 liters of clean water
Preparation of the drink:
Wash the lemon well and cut it into pieces. If it is a lemon that is not organic, or if it is sprayed, then wash it with a solution of vinegar and water. Peel a garlic clove and put it in a blender together with the lemon and ginger.
Mix well into a uniform mass. Add the mixture mixed in this way to a metal bowl, add 2 liters of water and heat everything together, stirring, to the boiling point. Just before the boiling point, turn off and let everything cool well. Strain through a medium-thick strainer and fill into glass bottles.
The drink is drunk every day in a glass of 200 ml at least 2 hours before meals, or on a completely empty stomach. (If you don't mind, you can skip squeezing and drink a thick complete mixture). Store the drink in the refrigerator.
The course lasts 3 weeks with daily consumption of one glass, after which you need to take a break of one week, and you can continue consuming in the same cycle. If the taste does not suit you, you can add honey as desired.
After 3 weeks of use, you should feel significant regeneration of the body from using the drink. In addition to the benefits already mentioned, the drink is especially useful in preventing calcification in the body, which causes stones in the organs and clogging of blood vessels.
The combination of lemon, water and cooking will neutralize the smell of garlic. Before each consumption, you must shake the bottle with the mixture to mix the lemon and garlic residue at the bottom with the juice.
From experience, I can tell you that the drink is great for the elderly and that it restores their energy and strength and rejuvenates them because after a few weeks it improves their circulation.
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