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Gherkins-the Best Way to Prepare for Winter Lena

  • Many housewives in Serbia prepare gherkins for the winter, and they have a phenomenal taste. Here is a nice recipe for how to prepare it yourself. This is especially interesting for those who deal with ethnic tourism!

  • NOTE: Read more about sterilization jars here!

Ingredients: for 4 jars total
  • 1.5 kg of gherkins

  • baking soda or zeolite

  • 4 sterilized cold jars

  • 4 bay leafs optional

  • tsp white mustard seed for each jar

  • 1 tsp for each jar-peppercorns optional

  • 1 tsp salt for each jar

  • 1 tsp sugar for each jar

  • 1 small cup alcohol vinegar 9% (130 ml)

  • water

  • pot with the addition of a bowl with holes

Gherkins- the best way to prepare for winter Lena
  1. Wash gherkins under running water and clean of stalks, flowers, and thorns

  2. If you wish, you can soak the gherkins in water, to which you have added one teaspoon of baking soda or zeolite.

  3. Leave them like this for 20–30 minutes. That way, you clean them of pesticides.

  4. If you don't want to do that, then arrange the gherkins in jars, but my advice to you is to do it anyway!!

  5. After half an hour, transfer them to clean water. Rinse them with clean water and let them dry.

  6. You need 4 sterilized cold jars and put in each jar

  7. bay leaf and spice. Arrange the gherkins so that there is less free space.

  8. Make sure you squeeze them next to each other.

  9. Add peppercorns and mustard to each jar. In each jar add one teaspoon topped with a lot of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 small cup of 130 ml of 9% alcohol vinegar, then pour cold water to cover the cucumbers. Close the jar tightly. At the bottom of the pot put a cloth and arrange the jars, pour water finger to be under the lid of the jar.

  10. Pasteurize at a moderate temperature.

  11. When the water starts to boil, it should boil gently for 10 minutes. Then remove from the heat and leave in that water to cool, take out the jars and wrap them in blankets and place them so that they cool down.

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