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Roast Lamb with Potatoes Lena

Updated: Mar 11

  • My recipe for how to bake and prepare lamb my way. Lamb in this way gives a fantastic taste and smell, the potatoes are fragrant and juicy. Follow the instructions of the recipe.

Ingredients: simple, total time: 2h, 6–8 servings
  • 3 kg of lamb / shoulder with ribs /

  • to taste salt

  • mustard

  • 100 ml mixture of water and white wine

  • 50 ml oil

  • spices as desired rosemary, sage

  • 3 garlic/ cut on leaves

  • 2–3 carrots/ diced or rings

  • 1 kg potatoes

  • salt to taste, note there is more salt on the lam to soak up the meat overnight!

  1. Wash and dry the lamb. It is good to salt it then, make a couple of cuts in the meat along the shoulder to better receive the spices and put the sliced ​​garlic leaves in the fridge to stand for 24 hours, or even 48 hours.

  2. When the lamb is left, take it out of the fridge and prepare it for roasting.

  3. Mix water, white wine, oil and rosemary, put in a fireproof dish

  4. the dish in which the meat will be roasted.

  5. Grease the lamb well with salt and pat it all over the meat with your hands.

  6. If desired, coat the mustard in the notches and on the surface of the meat.

  7. Put the meat in a bowl and cover with aluminum foil.

  8. Bake the meat first, covered with foil, at 200 °C.

  9. Take it out occasionally bowl, turn the meat and pour over the juice it has released.

  10. Meanwhile, peel the potatoes and cut it.

  11. Chop the carrot into rings while roasting, take out the lamb put the rosemary on the potatoes, the sage on the lam.

  12. Put the potatoes mixed with the carrot with the lamb to bake, count the potatoes for about 40 minutes-

  13. 1 h and 30 min. total need to roast a lamb. Calculate the time.

  14. Before the end of baking, remove the foil and leave for another 15 minutes to catch a nice crust.

  15. Cool slightly and serve with the potatoes you have baked next to the meat.

  16. This is my method of preparation, and it always turns out delicious! Buon appetito!

  • Use the contact form for questions or advice.

  • I would be happy if you would comment on my recipes and put like.

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