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Faster Spaghetti with Sea Flavor, Lena

Updated: Feb 29

  • There is nothing better when your lunch is ready in 13 minutes, an ideal, and simple quick recipe and so delicious. The sauce itself is ready in 8 minutes! The food is rich in omega 3 and antioxidants. Seafood lovers will love this. Here's a recipe for how to make this wonderful meal!

Ingredients: total time: 13 min, very easy, 4 servings
  • 500 g spaghetti

  • 1 clove garlic/ halved or finely chopped

  • olive oil

  • 1 hot pepper

  • salt to taste

  • 1 handful of chopped fresh parsley

  • 350 g swordfish/ fish, scampi, shellfish

  • 200 g cherry tomatoes/ chopped

  • 100 ml of white wine

  • 100 g of olives and

  • 100 g of capers

  1. Prepare all the ingredients as described above.

  2. Bring the pot to a boil for the spaghetti water and add one teaspoon of salt. That's the first thing you need to do to get on time.

  3. Now take a deeper pan and pour a little oil, add pepper and a piece of garlic, if you like the smell of garlic, you can cut it in half and fry it over a moderate heat.

  4. After a few minutes, add the washed and chopped cherry tomatoes in half and the swordfish that you cut into cubes and let it simmer for 10 minutes, after a while, pour a little white wine and let the alcohol evaporate. Peel the olives and rinse the capers. And put everything together in a pan to simmer.

  5. When the spaghetti is ready, strain it well and put it in a pan with the fish and mix it well for 1–2 minutes. Turn off the heat and add fresh chopped parsley. Buon appetito!

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