The most important meals during the day is breakfast, precisely because we need it during the day to be functional at work, school, or in sports activities. A rich breakfast with proteins that keeps us going until lunch. Follow recipe.
Ingredients: simple, total time:15 minutes. 1 serving
2 eggs/ scrambled
2 -3 thin sheets of meat bacon
12 rings thin sliced sausages
salt to taste
black pepper to taste/ optional
pinch of oregano/ optional
little oil
Cut 3 pieces of meaty bacon into thin slices.
Sausages or hot salami also cut into thin slices.
Pour very little oil into the pan, wait for it to heat up on moderate heat.
Lay the bacon slices, fry the other side until it becomes transparent, immediately add the sliced sausages and fry for up to 2 minutes.
Carefully break both eggs and place them right in the center, salt the yolk and white to taste. You can also add a little pepper and oregano if you like.
Cover the pan and let it fry for about a minute. If you see egg white deposits that have not spread, make circular movements with the pan to spread the egg whites to the ends of the pan. Fry for about 4-5 minutes with control.
During frying, spoon the fat over the yolk a couple of times.
When the egg yolks are covered with white scum, the egg whites are cooked and without liquid, it's done!
Transfer directly to a plate with a flat spatula, taking care not to spoil the shape. Serve with an orange wedge, yogurt, toast, or bread.
Buon appetito!
#Ham #and #Eggs #with #Bacon #and #Sausages #breakfast #meal #morning #food #simple #recipe #delicious #healthy #proteins #easy #delicious #foodie #healthyfood #foodlover #blog #coffeetimelena #foodblogger #blogger #recipies
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